Friday, February 17, 2012

Sharing My Business Adventures, Woes & Triumphs!

Hallelujah!  It's Friday! I'm taking today off for a much needed wintertime social activity with my dear friend Cheri (you can read more about how I make weekly dates like this and the other things I do to melt away the winter blues in yesterday's post).  So alas, there won't be a Friday is for Favorites today, but I do have something else fun to share. 

Yesterday, I was a guest poster over at Just Lovely Things for part of Heather's super awesome 'Love Your Business' series.  Heather asked me to write about my experiences running my own businesses, and to share my tips on how business owners can stay creative and ahead of the game when dealing with over-saturated markets.  About a year and a half ago, I was faced with some huge decisions after experiencing several unexpected and major challenges with my clothing line.  This came after many years of success, and I was forced to learn things the hard way.  I had to make some serious changes, but the knowledge I gained from my experiences was truly priceless.  Want to know more?  Head on over and check it out.  (Psst... you get extra points if you leave her a comment!  Not really.  But it would be appreciated, and I'll give you an invisible hug through my laptop screen.)

I hope your Friday is absolutely amazing, and that your weekend is rejuvenating and wonderful.  Do you have anything special planned?
If you haven't yet, I'd love for you to check out the video tribute/celebration I made in honor of my sweet Bubby dog's memory.  You can watch it via the post I wrote here, or watch the video directly here. :)

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  1. that was a very comprehensive article. i had no idea. great insight.

  2. this was a great story, sometimes you look at people that have there own businesses and think it's easy and they just got lucky - but u proved it is a TON of work! what an inspirational story :)


  3. Love this! Thanks for sharing -- I am always fretting about my photography career so its good to read things like this.

  4. Loved that post - commented over there. You are pretty amazing!

    - Brandi

  5. Hehe :) An invisible hug through your laptop screen? Oh, well in that case...
    xo Heather

  6. I saw your guest post yesterday through twitter and read it and left a comment. :-) I can't even tell you how much I needed that right now, it really inspired me!!!

  7. You guys are the best. I'm so glad you liked the post! I was apprehensive about sharing so much info, but I felt like maybe it could help others in similar situations. :)


  8. Sweet! I've been wanting to hear more about your experiences as a business owner. Off to check it out!

  9. love you and i'm so happy for you! xxo em


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