Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Style >> Neutral + Bold

It's been a looooong time since I've done an outfit post.  I'll admit that I've purposely avoided doing them, mainly because after a long day working at a clothing label, I'm in a mindset where I want to focus on pretty much anything that doesn't involve fashion.  Also, I work from a home office and studio you guys.  That means that during the week, it's a rare thing to find me clothed in something besides ripped leggings, mismatched socks, and one of my husband's t-shirts. (Sometime, I even brush my hair.)  And finally, I just can't take myself seriously with these poses that I do.  I mean, what's up with the longing gaze into the distance (see dreamy photo below)?  I really do attempt to look normal and you know, smile, but somehow I inevitably make these pseudo-ethereal stares and/or postures.  I suppose that between the years I've spent styling band photo shoots and my look books, combined with that good ol' theatre degree that I have, it's not much of a surprise that the whole 'not posing' thing is somehow challenging for me.  Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.  Oh yeah, and we also have a pretty terrible camera right now and could really, really use a new one (said in an extra whiny voice).

I've made a conscious decision, however, to rise above my excuses, and I plan to start sharing outfits at least once a week.  In the end, I love styling and I love playing dress up, and that's what really matters, right?

I went out to dinner with friends a couple of nights ago, and I was in the mood for something comfortable and casual, but put together.  Lately, I am all about pairing neutral, earthy pieces with pops of bright color.  Originally I had some eggplant colored tights on with this dress and sweater, but it felt a little bland.  So I tried the bold mustard tights, and voila!  These tights have seriously been a wardrobe staple for me this winter, and I'm looking forward to carrying them into spring.  And see those boots?  They were made by Earth Shoes and I got them ten years ago.  Yes, ten.  And I wear them constantly.  I've never had a shoe or boot hold up like these babies.  They're champs. 

For the accessories, I wanted to wear something that complemented the cardigan, which was my favorite part of this look. A couple of weeks ago, Michelle from Fawn and Lark sent me a package with a pretty handmade ceramic triangle brooch and earrings.  They have a gorgeous, earthy quality to them and the red is so rich, and they worked perfectly with the rest of the outfit.  (Thanks Michelle!)  I also piled on my usual hodgepodge of bracelets, including one of the braided leather wraps that I featured in Monday's tutorial.  And that fabulous bag is a vintage Coach bag that my mama gave me a few years back.  Score!

Dress: Mountains of the Moon (my clothing line) 
Cardigan: gift from my sister  //  Tights: Target 
Boots: Earth Shoes  //  Bag: vintage Coach 
Earrings + brooch: c/o Fawn and Lark

This ending up being the perfect outfit for a casual meal out, and I have a feeling I'll be wearing it a few more times before the weather becomes too warm for boots and tights.  (Speaking of - it is going to be 75 degrees in Chicago today!  I cannot put into words how awesome this is.)  One more little piece of unnecessary info: I'm growing my bangs out for the first time in years, but this is no excuse for the fact that I have not had a hair cut in six months.  I've sort of given up on styling it and have been letting it discover its wild inner beast.  I did actually pull the brush out the day we took these photos though, so that's something. 

Do you like to pair neutral shades with bold pops of color in your outfits?

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  1. Melissa, i am oooing & ahhing over this outfit. i'm thrilled to see your style on you! i like the fringe. i like the boho. i like the color with neutral. the accessories are right up my alley. i LOVE the guitar. so are you liking the bangs grow out, yay or nay?

    1. I'll like the bang grow out when they're all a better length. :) xo, m

  2. I love this outfit! I work from home too and am normally in my pajamas or gym clothes. I wish I got dressed more often. haha! This outfit is really the kind of wardrobe I'm trying to create--neutrals with pops of color! Although I have to go with more brown/gray neutrals as cream ones look terrible against my skin. Still, this post really makes me want to work more on my wardrobe!

  3. girl, you are rockin'! LOVE the outfit post. i'm really thrilled you're going to start doing this as a weekly thing.

  4. love the outfit post! great GREAT sweater, I have a few in that cut and i love how they can double as a blanket :) it's also 70's this week in denver - a spring miracle! enjoy your warm chicago :)


    p.s. take a peek at my lovely necklace - giveaway -

  5. oh my gosh you are so adorable. made me laugh!! :) and that outfit is just the cutest!!

  6. Such a pretty outfit. Perfect for spring.

  7. i love the yellow tights! that color has been growing on me lately. and i fully embrace my hair's inner wild beast. but it's time has come to an end because i'm chopping off a huge chunk. i can't stand it when it chokes me in my sleep lol

  8. I love this outfit!!!! I love the neutrals and bold tights and I love the dress from your clothing line and want one!! :-) Those boots are awesome too and the jewelry. I'm excited to see more outfits, you have great style!!

  9. Look how cute you are! I love the yellow tights! No need for leg coverings today, though. :-) I'm having a really hard time staying inside long enough to get any work done...

  10. You look prettiful. :) I'm absolutely incapable of looking normal when I take photos of myself with my tripod and timer-lol. For some reason, when that beeping starts I go all stiff and my face does weird things. I post the photos anyway because really, I don't care all that much, and in general, I'm not that fussy about my appearance in real life so why should I be on my blog. I guess? Hahaha. The last time I took photos, I cut the top of my head off accidently and posted it anyway. So clearly, I'm a pro. :) xoxo

  11. Cute look! Love the cardi and earrings!!


  12. Love the tights and the sweater! Incidentally, I also like the paint color behind you. What is it?

    1. Thank you! The paint it Benjamin Moore brand, but I'm not sure of the exact color. It's a dark khaki. xo, m

  13. Really cute! I love the colors and also the little brooch.

  14. I love this outfit! Especially the tights. Yellow forever.

  15. This is an adorable outfit and I absolutely love the boots.

  16. you look pretty and i love the boots and the shawl. in fact i want this whole outfit!

  17. gorgeous. you have great style girl!

  18. can i have your legs? so long! lovely outfit, too. i like how you actually analyze the color scheme, too...must be your fashion brain :)

  19. What a stunning outfit, such gorgeous colours. Perfect.


  20. this post made me unbelievably happy! i saw the pic on pinterest and first noticed the sweater b/c i have it too (and love it), then i saw your pretty face and was like 'omg, thats melissa!' ha ha, then i saw it was posted by YOU from your BLOG! it made me all sorts of giddy to see an outfit post from you. you are so so so beautiful my friend. and from seeing this pic of you, i think we would be closet besties for sure. love ya!

    1. Awww, I love you Laura! And closet besties FOR SURE! <3

  21. Love the pretty colours. You look so gorgeous!
    xo Heather

  22. You are absolutely so gorgeous, Melissa! Love this outfit--especially the tights! More outfit posts fo sho! :)


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