Monday, September 3, 2012

Let's Talk SHOES! Our 11 Fall Favorites

Fall 2012 Shoes

Happy Labor Day to those of you here in the states!  Although technically this day celebrates the contributions of workers (aka the fact that we bust some serious ass), it's also recognized as the unofficial last day of summer.  Believe it or not, today I'm not going to get into my sadness over summer ending because I can only imagine how sick you guys must be of me whining over that.  Instead, I'm actually going to pay tribute to autumn (yes, it's true) via my very favorite fall shoes. 

My sister Morgan is the shoe guru in the family, so I asked her to contribute her top shoe choices for the upcoming season as well.  Some of these are ridiculously out of our price range (hi Chloé and Miu Miu), and others are incredibly affordable.  Regardless of price points, this round up contains a perfect mix of Morgan's and my individual styles and also features shoes that either of us would be thrilled to have on our feet this fall.  And even as I wipe away my tears over saying goodbye to sandals and bare feet (okay, so that was a tiny whine), I will admit that the thought of fun fall shoes (and glorious, glorious boots) makes me look forward to cooler days.

1. Hi Top Back Zip Boot in Grey, Minnetonka
2. Lucerine Ankle Strap Pump, Payless
3. Frankie Oxfords in Aztec, Shoe Mint  
4. Into the Wild Boot in Black, Seychelles
5. Raimmy T-Strap Pump in Taupe, Madden Girl
6. Glitter Tassel Loafer, Miu Miu
7. Weavie Wonder Flat, Modcloth
8. Poet's Prerogative Heel, Poetic License
9. Annarella Boot in Brown, B.O.C.
10. Scalloped Flat in Black, Chloé
11. Chukka Clog Boot in Purple Ash, Ugglebo

I hope you're having a wonderful 3-day weekend so far!  I spent the last couple of days visiting with some dear friends who are in town for the weekend and hanging at a local music festival that Robbie's band played.  And today is officially the first Labor Day ever where Robbie and I are actually in the same place, so we're going to be especially Labor Day-ish and have a barbeque complete with burgers (veggie for me) on the grill, summery fruit salad and ice cold beer.  Whatever you're up to, I hope this 'final' day of sweet summertime is full of sunshine and good times. 

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  1. Eeeep this list is perfection!! I love all your picks, especially the moccasin boots and the glitter loafers! Yay for fall shoes!! Happy Labor Day!! :-)

  2. Oh how I love shoes! #4 and #8 I could just die for!

  3. LoVe #1, #2, #4, #7 and #8!! :)

  4. Great pics. Would love those black Chloe flats, so simple and so perfect...and so out of my budget. :(

    Hope you're having a good Labor Day! xo

  5. I can't wait to break out my boots and moccasins!

  6. lovely pics! I'm a sucker for moccasins! They're so cute and comfy


  7. Totally cute shoes finds! I'm a big fan of numbers 3 and 8. Love!
    And holy wow I can't believe those are from Payless! They've gone a little upscale on me!
    I hope you're having a great day and enjoying your precious last bits of summer ; ]

  8. Glitter loafers! What! Get on my feet, new friends, you're coming to live with me now.

  9. these are all such great picks and i'd be thrilled to have any of them on my feet this fall too. =)

    1. oh yeah and i hope you had a great labor day!

  10. Thanks for the comments you guys! Glad you like our picks :) xo, m

  11. awww great taste in shoes ms. morgan! i want #1. sigh


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