Friday, December 20, 2019

Happy Holidays and See You Next Year!

Every year when it gets to around the 20th of December, I have to stop and try to figure out what just happened. I think everyone probably feels this way. I love the holiday season so much, but it's also just so freaking busy that it passes me by before I realize it was even here. I won't bore you with all of the activities and work projects and birthday parties and travels we've been doing (or plan on doing as Robbie gets ready to go back on tour), but I will say that I desperately need to take a break from my current 12+ hour work days to spend these last few days of the holiday season with my family (and let's face it, cram in last minute shopping and attempt to make my house look like it isn't a garbage dump). So I will be taking my annual break from the blog to spend time with my family and catch up on non-work things, starting today. I'll be back here after the New Year, and because I just don't know how to completely turn off, I'm sure I'll be popping in on Instagram.

However you celebrate (or don't celebrate!), I wish you the happiest of holidays and a New Year full of joy, love, and peace.


1 comment:

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